ESHVI offers international delivery on all purchases. Our team offers different shipping methods and different services can be arranged on request. Please contact us at to be informed about all the personalised service we can provide.
ESHVI offers different shipping methods and different services can be arranged on request. We closely work with FEDEX, DHL, ARAMEX. Those shipping methods takes 7-10 working days to deliver your order. Please be informed that certain countries might take longer due to restrictions in shipping to those particular destinations. The approximate time frame for the delivery will be provided when selecting the shipping method. Our website will provide a live quotation depending on the destination. However if you prefer another shipping methods please contact us at to be informed about all the personalised service we can provide.
ESHVI is not responsible for import duties, customs and local sales taxes levied by the country of destination.
For all other countries, including Europe and the EU, VAT will be deducted at checkout. You will be required to pay any applicable VAT, taxes and charges required by your country of import.
Please contact your local Customs Office for further information about duties and charges.
ESHVI does not take responsibility for duties and taxes applied in the country of delivery.